Favors and Memorabilia for Weddings

In weddings, there are two common ways of keeping the memory alive. One is through photos and the other one is through wedding favors. Weddings seldom happen, so favors and memorabilia should be chosen carefully.

There are so many options to choose from but don't be too distracted. Keep in mind two helpful tips. First, the wedding favor should be a reflection of the couple's personality. Remember that it's a couple's event so it shouldn't just be the bride's or the groom's personality that has to show. Second, it has to be something that will be useful to the guests after. Guests tend to throw generic wedding favors because they can't make any use of it or they think that it will just gather dust in the cabinet. What's the point of wedding favors then?

For couples who love sweets, they're in luck. There are a variety of choices that are inspired by desserts and sweets. For one, the baker of the wedding cake can offer an extended package for wedding favors. Cupcakes and mini-cakes put in small tubs or containers will definitely satisfy any guests' sweet tooth. Have the container engraved with the couple's names and the wedding date. Guests will welcome this wedding favor because they get a scrumptious cake and a useful container at the same time. For couples who are conscious with oral hygiene, they can purchase mints in bulk and a separate portable tin container with their names engraved on it. They can put the mints themselves and give it to their guests. These favors come in very hand even after the wedding.

Couples who know how to kick back and relax should consider finding a supplier for essential oils and massage oils. The supplier can have the packaging manufactured specially for the wedding. The oil bottle can also be placed in a small basket. Everyone loves a good massage and if guests encounter favors like these, they will definitely consider them as one of the best weddings they've ever attended.

There is no better wedding favor than a playlist of songs for couples who love to groove to the music. CDs are very inexpensive and it isn't very costly to hire an artist to design a CD cover for the bride and groom. Guests can play the CD in their home or in their car whenever they want to bring back lively memories of the wedding.

Couples who host their weddings in the garden can impart their guests with the gift of nature through packets of seeds or little pots of bonsai. Transfer the seedlings to customized packaging to conform to the theme of the wedding. On the pot of the bonsai plants, paint the bride's and the groom's name and the date of the nuptials.

Ideas for weddings are as limitless as the human imagination. This goes for favors too. Use a little imagination and think of what will remind everyone of the wedding years from now when they look at the wedding favor.